Wednesday, January 1, 2020


This is the place where I'll be keeping all the biographies for my RPG Characters from various sites. A lot of them aren't properly written out yet, so bear with me, I'm workin' on it. =3

Ameh's Rp Addiction

(retirees who aren't in circulation at the moment)
Jordan Jeremiah Vesper
Rainey Daae
Tarot Alexander Jareth Eben Williams
Adalia Leigh
Elphaba Callahan
Ayame Saruwatari
Dorian Vandelsong
Trism Valentine
Tucker Donovan
Darius Kittley
Ritea Morgana Gandalf Skeeker

(currently in use)
Raiden Jae Kururugi
Hiroki Naoto
Ryuzaki Minamitani
Takeshi Nakamura
Daiki Koizumi
Nero Watase
Shaydrach Park
Lydia Charleston
Shuhei Nakato
Carlotta Wickham
Malimox "Mox" Mumei
Friendly English Tanaka
Caelan Lee
DaeShim Chen
Trystan J. Park
Dionysus Everdeen

(for use in the future)
Ainsel Straye
Asher Kwon
Trace Kwon
Rafe Kwon
Lin Kwon
Erik Kwon
Hannah Kwon
Tarik Kwon
Sage Vesper
Shiro Kururugi
Raymie Pace

These characters may be used on more than one site for more than one kind of RP. Therefore, some bios may not yet contain the right facts for your fact-finding mission. For example: Nero Watase is a character on three different sites with three different storylines and bases. Therefore, he may not be listed at the moment with the information you seek. I will be updating any bios that fall in this category in due time. Thank you for your patience. I'm lazy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dae Shim Chen

and don’t mind the quill, dearie, it’s simply a quick-quotes.
NAME • Dae Shim Chen (Dae Shim is his whole first name.).
AGE • Seventeen.
BIRTHDAY • 21 June.
YEAR • Seventh
HOUSE • Ravenclaw.
SEXUALITY • Straight.
no exaggerating, sweets, i’m lookin’ right atcha.
PLAY BY • Lee Dong Hae.
APPEARANCE • A possible chameleon of a person, Dae Shim can be found at any time looking rather like anything. His height has peaked at five feet ten inches, a height he's rather fond of as he a) didn't expect to reach it, and b) it manages to distribute his scant 130 pound weight quite nicely. He often finds himself trying to gain weight because of his tiny frame, but it's a failed effort most times as his metabolism keeps up with it far too well. He mostly wears his brown hair short, but has been letting it grow out longer lately because he can't really be bothered with it. Dae Shim often describes his own eyes as 'just brown' but is quick to point out that there's strange gold spots around the edge of his irises. His clothing style variates back and forth, but when he's in the mood for artistic things, he'll be found with splatters and smudges of whatever medium he's currently using all over himself. It is ony when he's engaged in artistic endeavours that he's messy, however. Otherwise he keeps himself rather neat, and is a fan of strange clothes and bright colours.
don’t be modest, love, and lying will get you no where.
Finding places on himself to hide his wand.

Losing his fingers (therefore... large sharp objects are out of the question)
Large spiders (we're talking... like... bigger than your fingernail.)
Most magical creatures (the ones that LOOK threatening.)
Losing his ability to do magic

Learning new forms of art
Comic books & graphic novels & manga
Muggle Electronics
Pocket pencil sharpeners
Short skirts
Foreign languages

People who try too hard
Being looked down upon
Physical confrontations
Politics (things should be what things should be, and not what one groups SAYS they should be)
Outright stupidity
Blatant racism
The zoo
People who make others sad to make themselves feel better
Gender roles
Imitation chocolate

OVERALL PERSONALITY • Dae Shim is a very animated person. While not as prone to hyper-activity as his younger brother, he is a very positive and sweet person. To him, life i made for living; if you're going to spend the entirety of it sad, and you're set on that, then that's your business. However, he strives to live each day happily, or at least end the days happily. Makes it all the more enriching for the future. He is a bit of an introvert, choosing to stay to himself and practice his art and photography rather than go off with everyone else to do what they're doing. However, if he's asked, he'll gladly go along with any plans anyone makes. He's not big into drinking, and drugs are definitely not his thing. Sex is something he's never put a lot of thought into; Dae Shim isn't really a sexually oriented being, his main focus being on his camera. He's not so distracted by this, however, to be unappreciative of a pretty girl.

Being of mixed heritage (I'm guessing since his father's name is Yesung, he's partially Korean as I've only ever seen that as a Korean name?), Dae Shim has always had an interest in foreign languages and cultures. His interest is passive however and he's not actually gotten far in learning any of the languages he's interested in, having been sidetracked by each culture's unique styles of art and other such things. His average intelligence means that he has to study hard to keep up in a few of his classes (especially Care of Magical Creatures, a class that holds just... terror. Terror. For him.), but he realises this and tries his best. One would think that his love of plants would indicate he was at least proficient in Herbology, but that's not the case. He loves plants because they're a wonderful subject for his art. Names and other things require research and thus get left by the wayside. His best class is Charms, as it offers little distraction in the classroom for his artist eyes, and he gets quite a thrill from learning new spells. Other classes he enjoys include Transfiguration, History of Magic, and Defence Against the Dark Arts, though the last presents a challenge for him when dueling occurs as the stances can be quite astounding, which has him reaching for his camera more than once.
i want to know everything! scandals, secrets, everything.
WAND • 12", birch wood, demiguise hair core.
BLOOD • Halfsies.
FAMILY MEMBERS • Mother: Cho Chen, Yesung Chen, Brother & Sister (They've no names yet. Wheeee.)
PETS • None. Animals, they're squicky for us.
OVERALL • Born in Ipswich to Cho and Yesung Chen, he is the oldest of the set of triplets. It was an invariably normal pregnancy, and DaeShim grew up in an average, loving family. With his father being a Muggle and his mother a witch, he experienced both sides of life, and is equally entranced by both of them.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Asher Kwon

Future SSRPG Character

Name: Asher Kwon
DOB: 17 October, 2061

More to come. ^_^

Caelan Lee

Full Name:: Caelan James Lee
Date of Birth:: 5 July 2048
Blood Status:: Pureblood
Gender:: Quite decidedly male.
Born In:: London, England
Lives:: London, England. We never left.
Graduated From:: Beauxbatons. Class of 2065.
Occupation:: Sports Journalist, Daily Prophet.

The world focuses its eyes on our outward appearances.
Hair Colour:: Tricky question. Naturally a dark brown, however Caelan uses magic hair dye to make it fade from that colour in the back to blonde in the front.
Eye Colour:: Dark brown. Flecked with green.
Height:: 5'9"/175 cm
Weight:: Do I ask for yours?
Overall/Other:: Fairly thin, though quite solid. He's not about to get blown off by a breeze, that's for sure. Has the faintest, barely noticeable muscles that come naturally for someone of his build. Has a straight line of a scar across his upper arms, on the same spot on both of them. Also has a very inconspicuous scar on the left side of his neck, just below his ear. Right ear is pierced twice. Korean, in case you couldn't, you know, tell. By parentage, not by place of birth.

Without reason or rhyme: this is just who we are.
Things I Like::
Tea before bed
Quiet time when it's needed
Crowded places
Girls playing Quidditch
Things I Don't Like::
The smell of sour milk
Girls who giggle at things that aren't funny
Persons with egos bigger than I
Sweets that mix peppermint & chocolate
The colour orange
Being run into/knocked over
-especially while wearing nice clothing.
People who refuse to acknowledge when they're wrong
Muggle freeways
Shy, retiring women who accept everything
People who think the world can't be changed.

It all depends on the situation, man. Really. Caelan is as versatile as can be. Quiet when it's advisable, loud when it's necessary, and any of the many personalities on the docket in between those two. Ordinarily however, he is clever and quick-witted, with a sharp tongue readied for those who would oppose him. Hopefully they're not female though, because girls just so happen to be Caelan's biggest weakness. He can't help himself; obvious confidence is his biggest downfall, and a commanding attitude is quick to catch his attention. A pretty face is a pretty nice (and essential) addition to mix, as well. He love love loves it when women start squabbles with him. And that guy that you're with? Doesn't matter unless you're wearing a ring. ; )

Have you already forgotten the places you've been?
Caelan was born the first (and only) child to a wizard mother & father in London, England. His family has a fare stake in both the Muggle and Wizarding world, and Caelan stands to inherit both businesses, but not until the old man either up and croaks or retires, which could be quite a while off. A child of decent money, he grew up well and was quickly shipped off the Beauxbatons (his parents believed this the best way for him to learn the finesse that business requires) at the age of 11. Known for his rather large amount of girlfriends while in school, he nonetheless managed to avoid any major trouble or scandals until his graduation; since then he's simply floated through the world, spending his time doing any number of half-interesting things until finally deciding to get a job so he'd be able to stop living off the parents.

Mother:: Ophelia Elizabeth Staunton-Lee, born 2024 (47)
Father:: James Lee, born 2017 (54)

Friendly English Tanaka

Name: Friendly English Tanaka
DOB: 12 December

More coming.

Ainsel Straye

Name: Ainsel Straye
DOB: 22 January, 2058

More information to come. This is mostly just to get visuals up of all my characters, as I haven't been bovvered to type out bios. XD

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jordan Jeremiah Vesper

Jordan Jeremiah Vesper
Birthdate: January 10, 2048
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Definitely Male.

Personality: Introverted and extremely private. Jordan is an internal person. Not just anybody gets to know about his thoughts, problems, history, etc.

More coming, can't be bothered.